Friday, September 4, 2009

Milestones and Goals

So I am very happy to announce that I made it past my first milestone of 50lbs lost today.  



Woot !!


This got me thinking that a good topic for blogging could be about the importance of goals and milestones.

Someone on one of the message boards I frequent said she vowed to loose 1 pound 36 times.  

This person subscribed to the philosophy that smaller achievable goals are the better way to go. 
One lb at a time.
Inch by inch, everything's a cinch etc.

This works for many people but I know it doesn't work for me.   I think one of the secrets to my success so far has been to understand who I am and what games I tell myself and then find methods that don't allow that to happen.

A goal that is too easy for me would lead me to complacency.   Taking it one lb at a time would allow me to cheat too much.

For example, I am the type of person who didn't believe in weighing myself each day because one of two things would happen: 

  1. Either I would be down a few pounds and then I would justify eating poorly by saying "I have been good and a little bit won't hurt me". 
  2. Or I would be up or the same and I would say "well what is the point, I don't loose anyway so I might as well eat this"
Either way I was using the scale to eat poorly. 

So, for me to say that I am going to loose 1 lb 150 times wouldn't work. I would loose and gain and loose and gain and justify it because I had lost one pound x times.  It was the same lb over and over but hey. 

I believe that goals should be S.M.A.R.T

Just saying, "I am going to loose weight" is not trackable, it is not speciic enough, how do you know when you are done?

A goal does need to be attainable and realistic so even though my ideal weight is 160 and I started at 402, I am not saying I plan on loosing 242 lbs.

Even with weight loss surgery the average person only looses between 40% and 60% of their excess weight. I need to be realistic.

My total goal is 150lbs lost which is slightly more than 60% of my excess weight. I may change this when I get closer to that but for today that is my realistic attainable goal. 

The good news is even 5lbs weight loss makes a difference.   I will be thankful for every lb lost.

I have structured my goal around milestones.

Wikipedia says this about milestones:
A milestone (from the Latin milliarium) is one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road or boundary at intervals of one mile or occasionally, parts of a mile. ...
Milestones are constructed to provide reference points along the road.
So, using that expression,  A milestone is not the end, it is just a mark along the journey to let you see your progress.
  • My first milestone was the one I reached today.  50 lbs lost or 352 lbs. This (50) was a milestone because of it being half of a hundred and also just to prove to myself (and others) that I can do it. 
  • My next milestone is 82 lbs lost.  This will put me at 320 lbs so this is a very significant milestone to me for 2 reasons:  

  1. First; I weighed 320 when I got married 16 years ago.

  2. Second: my goal weight is 160 so this is exactly twice my goal weight.  After this point I will no longer be able to that I am two times what I should be. 
  • My milestone after that is 100 lbs lost or 302 lbs
  • Then 280 lbs because that is what I weighed when I met my husband. 
  • And for now, my last milestone is my ending goal today which is 150lbs lost or 252lbs. 

Being milestones, I can not see any on the road I am on beyond this.  Once the road gets close, the rest of the milestones will come into focus. 

I would love to say that I will be my ideal weight of 160 lbs.   Who knows, maybe I will.

But, keeping with the SMART philisophy. 150 lbs lost for a new weight of 250 would be 62% of my excess weight lost so that is within the norm of possibility of 40 - 60% for my current end goal and that is as far ahead as I can see right now.

I also have physical goals:
  • My Daddy was a mountain climber and he took me a few times to climb a local mountain Mt. Pilchuck.   I have a goal of climbing that mountain next summer.    
  • I also have a goal of sitting in a theater seat that doesn't have armrests that go up.  
  • I would like to be able to sit in my own dining room chairs with armrests.  I am now able to fit in them but not comfortably yet.  
Today I was able to sit in one of the stuffed comfortable chairs in Starbucks for the first time.

I hope you will think about what goals and milestones you want to set.

And remember as you pass the milestones to celebrate your successes.   I plan on making cookies (low carb of course) to celebrate.  My first attempt at baking cookies with nut flours. I will let you know how it goes.